Adventurous Journey Library Example

Biking trip to photograph local birds

      Cambridge – Hamilton, Ontario

Starting Idea: Bronze level local biking trip and bird watching.

Biking the rail trail from Cambridge to Hamilton, Ontario to learn more about different local bird species. Our goal is to create a team bird journal featuring photos and a few fun facts about the birds we find on our route.

We will determine our level of preparation and readiness for our QJ by practicing biking in Hamilton, setting up our tents and cooking for ourselves. During our Practice Journey we will review servicing our bikes with our Supervisor and photograph/identify at least 3 birds we see along the way to ensure we are ready for our QJ. We will debrief as a team with our Supervisor to determine if any changes need to be made to our QJ plans.

For our QJ we will bike from Cambridge to Hamilton, Ontario, carrying what we need to be self-sufficient. While on our trip, we will focus on exploring and photographing local birds. We will camp at Brant Conservation Area overnight and cook a meal for ourselves each day. By the end of our journey our team aim is to have taken pictures of at least 8 different birds to create a photo journal including at least 1 fun fact about each of the birds we have found. We will debrief the experience as a team and complete our journal no later than 10 days after our journey has ended to present to our Assessor.