
Adventurous Journey Navigator


Welcome to the Adventurous Journey Navigator!

This page has been created to support adults delivering the Award and participants as they work with their team to complete the Adventurous Journey. On this platform you will find guidelines, resources, templates, outlines, best practices, examples and more to assist with successfully and safely completing each stage of the Adventurous Journey. The AJ Navigator will be updated regularly. To ensure you have the most current resources and information, please check-in often.


The Adventurous Journey encourages a spirit of adventure and discovery while planning and undertaking a journey with a small team of peers. Teams work together to set a clear and challenging goal that is achievable and defines what activities they will be doing throughout their journey. This may include researching, investigating and/or exploring the natural world.   

The main purpose of the AJ is teamwork through planning and undertaking the Practice and Qualifying Journeys while working through real challenges posed by the wider environment. The AJ can take place in urban, rural or wilderness environments. It’s not just a camping trip, teams may choose to discover local features, cycle between cities, explore historical sites or learn more about the environment. The possibilities are endless! 

 The AJ requires initiative, communication and perseverance. It provides teams with a sense of accomplishment, self-reliance and discovery. With suitable training, planning and supervision, the AJ section aims to safely take young people out of their comfort zone and promotes experiencing new challenges in a team setting. 

  1. Connect with others, building relationships and improving interpersonal skills. 
  2. Build an appreciation and respect for different environments and cultures through personal experience.  
  3. Improve decision-making skills, risk management and the ability to overcome unexpected real-life challenges. 
  4. Develop perseverance, determination and leadership. 
  5. Increase confidence, creativity and resilience. 
  6. Understand the value of shared responsibility for success through teamwork, self-reliance and cooperation.  
  7. Improve planning, organizational ability and attention to detail.  
  8. Practice personal and group performance reflection. 
  9. Participate in memorable adventures and valuable learning opportunities. 

Stage 1: Planning & Preparation

All AJ team members work together to plan and prepare for the journey with the support of at least one adult (this may include their Award Leader, AJ Assessor and/or AJ Supervisor). 

Together, the team decides on a mode of travel, a team goal and an environment where they can safely travel. Teams train, plan and prepare to make sure they have the skills and resources they need to safely complete their journey. 

Working as a team...

Brainstorm the type of Adventurous Journey you would like to complete

Gather a team and set a team goal

Create a plan to achieve your team goal

Train and make preparations for your journey

Stage 1: Helpful Resources & Best Practices

Stage 2 – Do the Journey: Practice Journey & Qualifying Journey

The Practice Journey serves as a preparatory adventure undertaken by the team, with guidance from the adult(s) involved in delivery. It is designed to ensure that the team is adequately prepared, well-trained, and equipped with the necessary skills and resources for a safe and successful Qualifying Journey. 

The Qualifying Journey provides the team with a chance to apply their acquired skills and knowledge to undertake a challenging and achievable journey. They will demonstrate their ability to collaborate effectively and safely work together to achieve their chosen goal 

Working as a team...

Complete the Practice Journey

Review your Practice Journey: What went well? What can be improved?

Complete the Qualifying Journey

Stage 2: Best Practices

Stage 3 – Review & Debrief the Journey

The final stage of the Adventurous Journey is to review and learn from the experience.  The team debriefs each stage with their AJ Supervisor and/or Assessor to determine what went well, what could be improved, what was learnt and the impact of the journey on the team. When and how the debrief is completed is decided by the team and the AJ Supervisor/Assessor 

Working as a team...

Debrief the experience to identify what has been accomplished and learnt as a team

Complete a report of your journey (if applicable)

Ensure you have a completed Assessor Report on the Online Record Book before submitting for final approval

Stage 3: Helpful Resources & Best Practices