In tribute to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh’s lasting legacy, we’re asking people around the world who have done their Award to share their personal stories, creating the first-ever global collection of Award memories. The stories will be used to celebrate our Founder and to inspire more young people to discover their potential and be ready for the world. Share your memory here.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s unwavering commitment to young people began in 1956, when The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award was established. Since it came to Canada in 1963, it has helped motivate young Canadians to set goals and challenge themselves to take control of their lives and futures.
Over the years the Award program took root in Canada and an estimated 500,000 young Canadians have since benefited from the program. The impact of the Award on young people is extraordinary – it transforms lives.
“HRH The Duke of Edinburgh leaves us not just with the memory of the man, but with a legacy. And the Award is his living memorial. His Royal Highness has impacted upon and taken to great heights his life’s work. We all owe him a massive sense of gratitude.”
– The Rt Hon The Lord Boateng PC DL, Chair of International Council
The Award is now a cornerstone of non-formal education and learning, with more than a million young people involved, in 130+ countries and territories around the world. For more than sixty years, millions of young people have participated and received Awards, with millions more benefiting from its impact in communities around the world.
From the beginning, His Royal Highness had been steadfast in his commitment to the Award and its work with young people around the world. The global Award family is dedicated to ensuring that The Duke of Edinburgh’s legacy will continue to grow – and in doing so, champion and challenge young people from all corners of the globe – for many years to come. In 2020, over 10,000 young people in Canada started The Award for the first time, and over 4,621 young people achieved their Award.
“The global program that bears his title — the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award — has helped empower millions of young people from all backgrounds to realize their greatest potential, and is but one example of his contributions to the social fabric of this country and the world,”
– Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
His Royal Highness had a key driver when promoting the Award over that last sixty years and it was the commitment to serve others. Many people have been in contact on how they can pay tribute to His Royal Highness and support his legacy to serve others by championing young people. If you would like to donate to support young people and provide them the opportunity to discover their true potential through the Award framework in honour of the Duke of Edinburgh, please follow this link.
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