Venturing into the Outdoors, Leo’s Award Story

“I’m a part of an outdoor leadership program at my school called Summit where we go on many different backcountry trips and practice the skills of leadership. This program is enjoyable and supports the Adventurous Journey section of my Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. 



There are two teachers in our program who teach us the essential backcountry skills needed on these trips we go on. They were both very experienced with the backcountry and have conducted this program together for a long time. The two were extremely helpful as they planned the technical aspects of the trips for us whereas we only had to figure out our meals and the equipment each of us needed. As well, they designed the trips specifically so that those of us who wanted to do the Duke of Ed Award would be able to complete the Adventurous Journey section of it.  


Silver Award Journey  

Our prep and training trip was a 100-mile trek to a house where we stayed in cabins and cross country skied. We learned how to pack our backpacks, get the fire started in the cold, and how to cook good meals. My classmates and I did an overnight backpacking expedition trip in Juan de Fuca, BC. The forecasted weather was supposed to be rainy, but we ended up getting tons of sunshine. It was an extremely awesome trip despite the muddiness of the trails and the campgrounds. My favorite part about the trip was the last night where we camped on the beach, cooking and setting up tents as we watched the sunset and the waves crashing in. This trip really allowed me to build and strengthen connections with my friends as we had to communicate and work together throughout the entirety of the trip with setting up, taking down, cooking, and more. 


Join the Award 

I would recommend other youths to participate in the Award because not only does it help with post-secondary applications, but it also gives you motivation and the opportunity to try new things. As there are 4 different components to the Award, it’s quite likely that you have not had much experience in some areas. In addition, since there’s a required number of hours you must complete for each component, the Award teaches resilience. Most of all, it gives you opportunity.” 

  • Leo Liu 


Thank you to Leo for sharing your story, we hope it inspires you to Join the Award, Volunteer with the Award, or Become an Award Centre! 

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